welcome to the grace library
The purpose of the Church Library is to serve the congregation with inspirational reading, worship resources, and any other materials that enrich the spiritual and intellectual lives of our members and support the program ministries of the church.
Groups Served
The Grace Library features books, resources, and media for children, teens and adults. The library contains selections from diverse perspectives on theology, other religions, social issues, biography, history, and other topics of interest. Also offered are commentaries, dictionaries, maps and other materials of use to teachers and participants of various Christian education classes and study groups at Grace Church.
Special collections are available to serve:
United Women in Faith
Stephen Ministries
Open Door Ministries
Christian Education Classes
Study Groups
Volunteer Opportunities
Contact Treva Brashears via email for volunteer opportunity and more information. Volunteers are needed for shelving and straightening books, reading shelves to maintain book order, filing cards for returned books, assisting patrons, stamping materials, applying labels, and writing library related articles.
Library Acquisitions
Collection Includes
• Reference
• Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction
• Children's Fiction and Non-Fiction
• Easy / Everybody
• Media
Grace Library’s Wish List
Grace UMC Library is always researching possible books to be added to the collection for use by our church members. With a limited budget, selection process always means leaving out excellent books. One way to assist is by donations to the library specifically meant for book purchases. The library is also open to members suggesting books and providing the funds to purchase. The library has produced a list of books for addition to the collection that meet the library’s objectives.
Please review the list of titles and if so inclined, provide a donation to cover the purchase of a specific title by writing a check payable to Grace UMC that includes
“Library Resource Fund” on the memo line. Please attach the title of your choice to the check.
The wish list may be found at the following Internet address and a printed list may also be found at the entry door to the library to pick up and read later.
Donation Policy
The Grace Library Committee would like to express appreciation for all of the donations that have come into the Library over the past few years. However, at this time due to a lack of shelving space, the Library will no longer be accepting donations of used materials. The Grace Church Library will accept donations of new books, CD’s, DVDs, etc. provided the item(s) meet the standards of all Selection Policy statements. Where there is duplication of donated materials, they will be made available to church members or they will be donated elsewhere.
Materials donated to the Grace Church Library shall become the property of the library. If necessary, for any reason, the Grace Church Library staff may remove any donated book from the library. The library will not place a value on gifts for tax purposes. Upon request, the Library will add a bookplate to newly donated materials.
Loan Period is two weeks.
Reference books are limited to In-Building Use Only.
Glenna Holloway's Poetry
Glenna Holloway was a faithful member of Grace UMC for many years. At the time of her passing, she had no living relatives and had willed her estate to the care of Grace. Cleaning out the contents of her home was like a treasure hunt. Her poetry and writing workshop was on the second floor of her home and was filled with books and magazines and scores of boxes containing folders and smaller boxes of printouts. Under time constraints, the goal became to keep at least one copy of every poem that she had written. The bulk of that effort produced about twenty boxes filled with published books containing one or more of her poems. These boxes are currently stored in the Grace Church Library.
Additional Questions? Contact the library chair persons, Harold Workman via email or Treva Brashears via email.
After much development and organization by a very dedicated team of individuals, the Grace Church Library opened on September 26, 2010, in support of Christian education, religious literacy, and the simple joy of reading. Located in the stained-glass ambience of Room 223 (see below for window information), the Grace Library features books, resources, and media for children, teens and adults.
The Library collection includes reference material, adult and children's fiction and non-fiction, and audio/visual materials. Christmas and Easter stories for children are clearly marked and easy to find. For adults, the Library contains selections from diverse perspectives on theology, other religions, social issues, biography, history, and other topics of interest. Also offered are commentaries, dictionaries, maps, and other materials of use to teachers and participants of the various Christian education classes and study groups at Grace Church.
For parents, teachers, families, and caregivers of those with special needs (in conjunction with the Grace Open Doors Special Needs Ministry), the Library maintains a collection of helpful resources available for check-out at any time. Come "check us out" in Room 223!
The stained glass window in the Grace Library was originally part of our former church edifice. It was re-acquired, along with several other windows, refurbished and re-installed in the church library. This window has been dedicated in memory of Wayne Churchill.