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Image by Sébastien Marchand


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What is the Grace Church Foundation?

The Grace United Methodist Church Foundation, a nonprofit organization, was established in 1992 out of the need to think towards the church’s future. It identifies and develops opportunities for planned giving. Our purpose is to endow and support the lasting impact of the church’s ministry and mission by encouraging members to remember Grace United Methodist Church in their planned giving.

Leave a Legacy

As a member of the church, you have committed to a journey of knowing, loving and serving God as you grow in your faith.

A gift to the Grace Church Foundation is one way of furthering your lifetime commitment and stewardship by remembering the Foundation in your will or trust or as a designated beneficiary of another asset.

A legacy gift is a way to provide support to the church’s mission and ministries in the future.

Secure the Future

Making a gift to the Foundation allows the church to confidently plan and communicate that:

  1. The church will be here tomorrow to nurture disciples.

  2. You wish to continue to help put God’s love in action into the future.


Your gift will provide a lasting impact through the funding to support and expand existing ministries, provide continued education and training, strengthen local and global mission initiatives and creating endowments for future building and maintenance needs.

Renewing our Church

The founder of Methodism, John Wesley, believed giving and stewardship were integral to Christian discipleship and served as a visible expression of our love for God and neighbor. Our theology of giving is grounded in four principles:

  1. Everything is first and foremost from God.

  2. God chose humankind as stewards of God’s creation

  3. As God’s stewards, our priorities should reflect God’s preferences for the “poor”.

  4. Our actions today have implications for the present and future.


The Grace Church Foundation exists solely to aid the church in achieving and accomplishing its missions and purposes. The Foundation is intended to provide financial resources for church purposes that are not included in the church’s annual operating budget; however, gifts which are intended to supplement programs and ministries are appropriate.


  • The Grace Church Foundation was established by and reports to the charge conference. The Foundation works closely with the church council and trustees. 

  • The Foundation’s Board members and officers are nominated annually by the charge conference.,

  • The Foundation is organized and functions in compliance with The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church. 

  • The Foundation has a review performed periodically by an outside auditor. 

Asset Management

The Foundation invests your resources and manages your gifts to leave a lasting legacy of support for your wishes and the church’s mission.The Foundation maintains an investment objective and spending policy to provide a stream of income to support the church’s ministries and mission.The Foundation utilizes and works with outside financial advisors to accomplish our investment objectives.

Board of Directors

  • Scott Oats – President/Secretary

  • John Abe – Vice-President

  • Scott Skooglund – Treasurer

  • Tim Ford

  • Gina Gramarosso

  • Melissa Hoekstra-Hecht

  • Susan Patton

our impact

Since 1992 when the Grace Church Foundation was established, it has been able to provide over $2.6 million in support to the ministries and missions of the church.  This support is made possible by our generous donors that are providing hope and confidence for the future ministries of the church.  Some examples are listed below.

Gifts in Action


  • Glenna Hollway Bequest: The renovation project of 2018 and 2019 was made possible by a generous bequest from Glenna Holloway. The Church had identified several priority ministries through the Grace Vision Teams and a congregational survey.  Two of those areas were to create a more welcoming environment and to improve the Children’s Sunday school facilities to support a growing ministry.  The Gathering Space was created to provide a place to touch base, to meet, to reflect, to pause and to fellowship. The Children’s Center was updated to include a new reception area with electronic check in capabilities as well as new bright joyful colors, carpeting, flooring and lighting.

  • The Rodney Lacy Garden is full of beautiful plants and flowers that provide color and peace all year.  It’s a place to pray, meditate, relax, recharge or just sit and enjoy the beauty of God’s nature.  It also serves as a place of internment for loved ones that are in God’s care.  The Rodney Lacy Garden was a gift from Ginny Lacy through the Lacy Garden Fund in honor and memory of her late husband Rodney.

  • Faith Build is a local mission where up to 25 local church’s partner to build homes for families in need. Grace church plays a lead role in building the homes. Grace provides manpower and the Foundation provides financial support through undesignated gifts and memorials. Ruby Motta and her two girls were the recipients of the 2017 home, Carmen Fernandez and her two daughters the recipients of the 2018 home and Andrea Wood and her two small sons the recipients of the 2019 home with Fox Valley Habitat for Humanity.

  • Education and Training: The Foundation has many educational and training endowments. Clergy and Staff can attend conferences and training seminars to learn and bring new ideas back to Grace. The Foundation also offers scholarships to our youth to attend North Central College, a Methodist affiliated university. Nicky Zaccaria a 15-year-old Grace youth was able to attend a program in Washington D.C. Here are a couple of notes from Nicky, “I returned home with a lot of newfound knowledge on Immigration and The Church as a whole as well as my perception of faith. Each day we would meet for seminars, hear from guest speakers, and even meet with politicians, (The staff of Bill Foster and Tammy Duckworth) I met some really great people. It truly was a life altering experience and I am entirely grateful for your continued support in my journey of faith.” 

  • Side X Side is a youth mission where the youth travel to a location in need and help with building homes or performing repairs.  This mission is funded by the youth fund raising but the Foundation has the Roberts Youth Trip Scholarship Endowment that provides scholarships to those youth that need assistance to attend this important mission. 

Ways to Give to the Grace Foundation

When the church or foundation receives assets as a beneficiary under a will or trust after the donor’s death, the gift is known as a “Legacy Gift.” Legacy Gifts can be made from a variety of asset classes such as cash, securities, wills or trusts, qualified retirement plan/IRA assets, the death benefit from life insurance, or real estate. All gifts are welcome.

For more information, download our Legacy Gift Planning Guide. We encourage you to complete and return a Donor Declaration Form that will guide the use of your Legacy Gift to the Foundation. We would love the opportunity to connect and answer questions. You can reach us at

To include Grace United Methodist Church Foundation in your plans, use our legal name and Federal Tax ID:
Legal Name: Grace United Methodist Church Foundation
Federal Tax ID Number: 36-3912854

The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organizations. Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible according to IRS guidelines.

Grace Church Foundation Legacy Society

The Legacy Society is Grace Church Foundation's planned giving society. By including Grace Church Foundation in your estate plan or making a living gift, you become a Legacy Society member and your gift will provide continuing support to ensure the church’s mission and ministries in the future.

Your estate gift to the Grace Church Foundation will:

  • Enhance the worship and fellowship experiences for all who gather at Grace Church.

  • Ensure children and youth have the religious education and opportunities they need and be caring children of God.

  • Enrich the mission and outreach of Grace Church to help bring hope, comfort and God’s love to those in need.


A gift to the Grace Church Foundation is one way of furthering your lifetime commitment and stewardship. You can do this by including the Grace Church Foundation in your will or trust, or as a designated beneficiary of your life insurance policy or retirement account. 
We would welcome the opportunity to connect and answer your questions. You can reach us by completing the Foundation Contact Form.

If you have already included Grace Church Foundation in your estate plan, please contact Scott Oats, Chair, Grace Church Foundation Board, at or complete the Donor Declaration Form

Some planned gift options may also provide tax benefits to you, your family or your estate. Please consult your financial advisor to develop a personalized plan of giving.

Legacy Society Members

William and Mary Abe*
Richard* and Glenna Adams
Chuck and Betty Biegel*
Don and Juanita Burney*
Walter H. and Dorothy Clausen*
Herbert and Mardelle Fleming*
Merrill and Beatrice Gates*
Rev. George W. and Ruth Gish*
Lorraine and Lloyd Glidden
Charmaine and Larry Gregory*
Bob and Mary Ann Guenzler*
Robert and Glenna Holloway*
Charles and Marilyn Kayton
Dorothy Kline*
David Klussendorf 
David and Candyce* Krumwiede
Rodney* and Ginny Lacy

Don Landgraf

Robert and Mariam Lehman*

Herman and Helen Lindholm*
Robert and Elizabeth Long
Scott McFarlan
Maggie Miller
Jack and Phyllis Oats*
Scott and Annemarie Oats
Robert and Donna Plumber
Paul Post
John and Sarah Reid
Dr. Clarence N. and Ruth Elizabeth Roberts*
Don and Betty Sandell*
Gary and Alice Silke*
Scott Skooglund
Anna Stephenson*
David and JoAnn Stuart 
Julian and Maxine Voss*

*In memoriam

Details About Gift Types

Learn how to make a gift that provides tax benefits and even life income. Discover how to give the best gift to meet your needs and life situation. While the Foundation can provide assistance in consultation and planning your gift with you, the donor should always consult their own legal attorney and financial advisors. The purpose of the information included below is to provide accurate and authoritative information of a general character only. The Foundation is not engaged in rendering legal or tax advisory services.


1. What is the Grace Church Foundation?

The Grace United Methodist Church Foundation, established in 1992 as a separate legal entity, secures funding for the future mission and ministry of Grace United Methodist Church. The Grace Church Foundation has set up funds to support many ministries; children's, youth, music, domestic and international missions, education/training, facilities and other needs. Your Grace Church Foundation, through its benevolent donors, helps to ensure that the Grace United Methodist Church will be able to continue its vision for ministry in years to come.

2. How does my commitment to Grace United Methodist Church's annual giving differ from a gift to the Grace Church Foundation?

The Grace Church Foundation, through its funds, "Secures the Future" of Grace Church. The vision is the same, Gather, Grow and Go but the timing is different. While annual giving supports the operational expenses of the Church and funds the annual budget, the Foundation offers a way for the church to address needs beyond those contained in the annual budget.

Your contributions to the Foundation will allow the church to address needs of facilities, missions and ministries beyond what the annual giving will allow. As the Foundation assets grow and are distributed, the Church's missions and ministry can grow beyond the annual giving.

3. How can I donate?

You will typically hear about giving to charity through your will or trust, but there are many easy ways to remember the Grace Church Foundation in your planned giving that do not require changes to your will or trust. Making the Grace Church Foundation the designated beneficiary of your life insurance policies, 401(k), IRA, and brokerage accounts is a simple, quick, and inexpensive way to achieve your charitable goals.

Gift types vary and the Grace Church Foundation is equipped to accept all forms of assets – other types of assets include, but not limited to, real estate, personal property, and direct stock transfers. You can also review the Ways to Give material in this website. If interested, let the Grace Church Foundation know.

Our President is happy to discuss your charitable desires with you and/or your advisors. Simply complete the donor declaration form to inform us of your planned gift and its desired use when it's received in the future. You may contact Scott Oats at

4. How do I include Grace United Methodist Church in my plans? 

Please use our legal name and Federal Tax ID:

Legal Name: The Grace United Methodist Church Foundation
Federal Tax ID Number: 36-3912854.

5. Does Grace Church Foundation accept gifts during the life of the donor?

The Grace Church Foundation gives donors the option for charitable giving during life as well as an outlet for giving at death. Donors who give during life get to see the benefits of their gifts.

6. I have already established a will. How do I include the Grace Church Foundation in my future gift plans?

Regarding a will or trust, often times a small amendment can be made to your existing estate plan, but some circumstances require more. If your current planned gifts include the Grace Church Foundation let us know so we can fully understand your intentions. You may also see the Ways to Give materials for a more in-depth look.

7. Can I start a new fund with my own donor intent?

Yes. The Grace Church Foundation Board follows donor input to set up funds that support funding for missions, ministries, and future needs of Grace Church. Each potential gift/fund is subject to the approval of the Grace Church Foundation Board of Directors on behalf of Grace United Methodist Church.

8. What is the minimum donation?

There is no minimum donation to our general endowment funds. All gifts are welcome. If a donor wants to establish a new fund or sub fund as referenced above, there is a minimum gift requirement of $25,000. The Grace Church Foundation will work with donors in the design of a donor fund that fulfills their wishes while contributing to Grace Church Foundation's charge.

9. What if I change my mind?

Until the gift is made (assets transferred), it is only a declaration of intent. If your intent changes at any time, you can modify the gift. The Grace Church Foundation recognizes that donor intent changes over time and can accommodate those changes.

10. Is there any tax benefit to donating to the Grace Church Foundation or Church?

Yes. Similar to the tax benefits from annual giving to the Grace United Methodist Church and other charities, you will realize a tax savings based on your giving. The Grace Church Foundation is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) entity qualifying for deductibility. We encourage you to consult your tax advisor.

11. What do I do if I have already remembered the Grace Church Foundation in my will?

Please contact Scott Oats at or complete the Donor Declaration Form.


Details About Gift Types

Learn how to make a gift that provides tax benefits and even life income. Discover how to give the best gift to meet your needs and life situation.

While the Foundation can provide assistance in consultation and planning your gift with you, the donor should always consult their own legal attorney and financial advisors. The purpose of the information included on these pages is to provide accurate and authoritative information of a general character only. The Foundation is not engaged in rendering legal or tax advisory services.

Cash / Securities / Real Estate

If you desire to contribute to Grace Church Foundation anytime during life, please contact us to discuss your charitable intent. Donors who give during life get to see the benefits of their gifts and realize the tax benefits of giving.

A gift of stock is one of the easiest methods to make a gift. If the stock has appreciated, the donor not only avoids the capital gains tax on the appreciation but also receives a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the stock at the time of contribution.

Real Estate
You can donate real estate to the Grace Church Foundation.  You will get an immediate tax deduction and can avoid capital gains taxes on appreciated real estate. 

IRA Qualified Charitable Deduction

The IRA Qualified Charitable Deducation (QCD) lets you transfer money from your traditional IRA directly to the Grace Church Foundation without the money being added to your adjusted gross income. You can donate up to $100,000 annually, but you must be 70½ or older to be eligible. An additional benefit of a QCD is the money can count toward your required minimum distribution if the QCD is made before satisfying your RMD for the year.

The QCD can’t be distributed to you first and then donated; instead, the money MUST be transferred directly to the Foundation, and if a check is issued, it must be made payable to the Grace United Methodist Church Foundation.

Retirement Plan (beneficiary designation)

A retirement plan is one of the best types of assets to transfer to the Grace Church Foundation following death because of the income tax consequence. Most inherited assets are free from income tax. However, an heir will pay income tax on disbursements from a decedent’s retirement plan such as a profit-sharing plan, Section 401(k) plan or IRA. If you are going to make a charitable bequest, it is usually better to transfer assets subject to income tax to a tax-exempt charity – such as the Foundation – and to transfer assets not subject to income tax to heirs.

Life Insurance (policy ownership transfer)

You may have purchased life insurance when you needed protection for your family, business or estate. In later years, you have found you no longer need that insurance. If you want to achieve immediate tax benefits, you should consider irrevocably assigning an insurance policy to Grace Church Foundation.

Giving life insurance as a gift to charity allows even those with modest means to leave a substantial contribution to the cause most meaningful to them. A gift of life insurance is a deferred gift, which means the proceeds from a commitment made now will be realized in the future. Donors often struggle between their desires to achieve philanthropic goals and their need to preserve their estates for their families. A gift of life insurance can eliminate this conflict.

In addition to gifting an existing life insurance policy, a new life insurance policy can be purchased from your life insurance professional naming Grace Church Foundation as owner and beneficiary. The initial premium payment plus subsequent insurance premium payments made by the donors are deductible as charitable contributions. A gift of insurance will not reduce your current stream of income.

Charitable Lead Trust

Create a trust that pays a fixed or variable income to the Foundation for a set period of time, then passes to heirs. May reduce the the value of the estate and keeps the property in the family.

Bequest Under Will/Distribution Under Trust

Including a charitable bequest as a part of your will is a great way for you to provide long-term support for the Grace Church Foundation while also effectively managing your estate. Making a charitable bequest is easy. If you want to leave a bequest to the Foundation, you must specifically do so in a will or trust. Your will or personal trusts are legal records of your wishes regarding how your assets should be handled at your death. Instructions regarding the dispensation of your assets are called bequests.

General Bequest: With this type of bequest, you simply leave a specified dollar amount (e.g., $25,000) to the Foundation.

Specific Bequest: A bequest of this type involves the designation of specific property (e.g., a home, shares of stock or other assets) that you want the Foundation to receive.

Residuary Bequest: Through a residuary bequest, the Foundation will receive the remainder of your estate after all liabilities and other bequests have been paid. It may augment a general or specific bequest to the Foundation if the size of the estate allows or may ensure that other beneficiaries receive their bequests prior to distribution to the Foundation.

Percentage Bequest: You may direct that the Foundation receive a percentage of your estate or residuary estate. In this case, if the size of your estate changes, the bequest will change proportionately.

Contingent Bequest: It is important to anticipate a situation in which a beneficiary might die before you or choose to disclaim the property. To prepare for such an occurrence, consider naming the Foundation as the contingent beneficiary.

Donor Retained Life Insurance

Perhaps a charitable gift sounds attractive, but you are not ready to give up ownership of your life insurance. By naming the Foundation as beneficiary only, you retain ownership of the policy; have access to the cash value and the right to change the beneficiary. If you would prefer that a member of your family remain the primary beneficiary, you can make the Foundation the contingent or successor beneficiary to receive the proceeds if your primary beneficiary dies before you.

Because you retain ownership of the policy, there is no charitable deduction for the value of the policy upon designation of the Foundation as beneficiary or for subsequent premium payments. However, any proceeds payable to the Foundation at your death will not be subject to federal estate tax.

Designated Fund/Donor Advised Fund

Donor Advised Funds are a convenient option for giving to your favorite charities. By establishing such a fund, you can minimize your taxes by making charitable gifts to your fund but decide later which charities will benefit.

The Benefits of a Donor Advised Fund include:

  • You can make a gift to your Fund at the time most convenient for you and receive an immediate charitable deduction.

  • You can decide later which charity(ies) you recommend receiving distribution, how much and when.

  • Earnings are credited and compounded tax-free so that more money may be available for your favorite charities.

  • You can pass on important values of service and caring for others by involving children or other family members in charitable gift recommendations.

  • You and others may add to your Fund any time.

Charitable Gift Annuity

A charitable gift annuity is a way for you to receive a guaranteed income for life and an immediate income tax deduction, while at the same time leaving a legacy to the Resurrection Foundation.

When you transfer assets to a Charitable Gift Annuity, you receive a fixed stream of income for life. After paying the lifetime annuity to you – and your spouse, if you choose – the remaining principal is transferred to the Grace Church Foundation.

Payments to you are based on your age – the older you are, the higher the rate. If the annuity is for you and your spouse, the calculation is based on your joint ages. You can choose to receive payments quarterly, semi-annually or annually. If you do not need the income now, you can use a deferred plan, receive the income tax deduction now, but begin receiving payments when you reach a specific age. This is an excellent complement to your existing retirement plan.

The tax advantages of both a current and deferred annuity are two-fold. First, you receive an immediate income tax charitable deduction when you create your annuity. The amount of the deduction is based on your age and annuity payout rate. Second, a portion of the payments you receive may be treated either as tax-free return of principal or long-term capital gains. These tax advantages increase the net income you receive.

Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

A charitable remainder trust is an efficient estate planning vehicle. It is a special type of trust that provides for and maintains two sets of beneficiaries. The first set are the income beneficiaries (you and, if married, a spouse). Income beneficiaries receive a set percentage of income for your lifetime or for a fixed term not to exceed 20 years from the trust. The second beneficiary would be the Grace Church Foundation. The Foundation would receive the principal of the trust after the income beneficiaries pass away.

There are two basic types of charitable remainder trusts; one is an annuity, one is a unitrust.

Establishing either trust is simple:

  • Cash or property is transferred to the trust.

  • The income beneficiaries receive annually an amount equal to a fixed percentage of the trust’s fair market value (unitrust) or a fixed dollar amount (annuity trust).

  • Upon termination of the trust, the assets are transferred to the Grace Church Foundation.

  • The eventual distribution to the Grace Church Foundation will take effect only at the death of the trust’s income beneficiaries (or at the end of the term of the trust if a fixed term is chosen for the trust).

If you are interested in a Charitable Gift Annuity, the United Methodist Foundation of the Northern Illinois Conference, Inc. issues them. We can work with you and help you get connected with them.

Gift Annuity
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