Grace will be welcoming a new program of Riverwalk Adult Daycare Services (RADS) beginning in September. The program will serve special needs young adults, a group for which few options are currently available. It will be “housed” on the lower level in rooms 152 and 153. More details to come in future postings. On behalf of the church, Trustee Chair Betty Long signed the church-approved agreement with RADS Board President Marian Stricker at the RADS Board meeting on Wednesday.
Pictured are Grace representatives Betty Long, Trustees Chairperson; Linda Kottis, Trustee who drafted agreement; Rev. Kim Neace; and Nicole Zaccharia, Open Doors Ministry. Grace representatives were given RADS glasses with ivy, signifying our growing relationship. The RADS historian had located a 1983 newspaper photo about Ecumenical Adult Daycare (RADS predecessor) at Grace Church.
