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Vintage Light Balls

2023 Event photos

Christmas ADVENTure - December 2, 2023

Thank you to all the families who came to the Christmas ADVENTure on December 2, 2023 at Grace United Methodist Church. It was fun to be with you to start the ADVENT season. What a beautiful day it was for everyone. Thanks to all the wonderful people who served that day and prior to the event. Everyone coming together using their gifts, time, and passion was a blessing to all! 

Growing in Faith Together - November 19, 2023

Thank you to all of the families that came to Growing in Faith Together. What a blessing of time to all be together. We had around 80 people "Unwrapping the Joy of the Season." We look forward to our next one on February 18, 2024 as we prepare for Lent with "DoNut Day" - Do Not Forget to Pray.

Faith, Food, and Food - October 29, 2023

What a fun night we all had together at Faith, Food, and Fun on Sunday, October 29! We played games, ate a wonderful meal, sang together, and compared our faith as a body of Christ to football. Thank you to Coletta Hines-Newell and Laura Strain for sharing their gifts of leadership and organization. Thank you to Pastor Eric Blachford, Lynn Leitzen, and Pastor Cindy Marino for sharing their gifts of teaching and music while leading us in our faith component through an interactive lesson, music, and prayer. Thank you to all who served with their time and talents with behind the scenes prep, welcoming people, food prep, making cookies, serving food, cleaning dishes, helping with popcorn, and after game fun. And thank you to all who came to be in community with one another.