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lent & easter

Lent, holy week, and easter

We invite you to journey through Lent and Holy Week with us!

We will begin the sermon series Wandering Heart: Figuring Out Faith With Peter on Sunday, February 18, 2024. 

We are focusing on the life and faith of one of Jesus’ most famous disciples. In Peter, we see a person who is both steadfast and unsteady, a dear friend and a betrayer, a follower and a wanderer. In Peter, we often see ourselves. By following Peter’s journey, we watch the story of Jesus unfold through the eyes of a very normal

human trying to figure it all out—just like us.


As we were studying Peter’s faith journey, the lyrics of “Come Thou Fount” came to mind. It’s as if Peter himself

wrote this song. And so, for each step in Peter’s journey, we have selected a phrase from this hymn. As we follow

Peter’s story, we will sing our way through Lent, binding our wandering hearts to God. In this series, we want to affirm that faith is a constant journey of steadfast pursuit, one that ebbs and flows, seeks and wanders. We want to affirm that wandering is exploration, not necessarily distance from God. We want to affirm the ways Peter keeps going: he drops his nets, he walks on water, he runs to the empty tomb, he swims to the shore to meet the risen Christ. He keeps searching and yearning and loving, even after missteps or mistakes.


Ultimately, in Peter’s story, we are reminded that God loves imperfect people—in fact, time and again, that’s

precisely who God claims and calls. This Lent, we will look for ourselves in the stepping stones of Peter’s story. We will reflect on the stages of our own faith journeys as well as who and what has shaped us along the way. As we wander, let us tune our hearts to sing God’s grace. May we rest in streams of mercy, never ceasing.


Sunday, February 18

First Sunday of Lent

Worship at 8AM, 9AM, and 10:30AM

Sunday, February 25

Second Sunday of Lent

Worship at 8AM, 9AM, and 10:30AM

Sunday, March 3

Third Sunday of Lent

Worship at 8AM, 9AM, and 10:30AM

Sunday, March 10

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Worship at 8AM, 9AM, and 10:30AM

Sunday, March 17

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Worship at 8AM, 9AM, and 10:30AM

Wednesday, March 20

A Journey Through Holy Week (please note: Due to Spring Break we are inviting everyone to join us a week early for Holy Wednesday)

Family Worship Service at 5PM

Sunday, March 24

Palm/Passion Sunday

Worship at 8AM, 9AM, and 10:30AM

Thursday, March 28

Maundy Thursday

Worship at 7PM

Friday, March 29

Good Friday

Prayer Stations at 12PM to 3PM

Worship at 7PM

Sunday, March 31

Easter Sunday

8:00AM - Worship in the Sanctuary with Brass and Grace Bell Ensemble 
9:30AM* - Worship in the Sanctuary with Brass, Chancel Choir and Grace Praise Team 
11:00AM* - Worship in the Sanctuary with Brass, Chancel Choir and Grace Praise Team 

*Note: These times differ from our regular Sunday worship services! 

holy week at the movies

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Lenten devotional Booklet

The 2024 Lenten Devotional booklet is now available online. Download it to enjoy throughout Lent. 

Lenten Booklet Sign Up 2024.jpg
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