MUSIC at 8:00PM & 10:00PM on CHRISTMAS EVE
What a blessing it is to welcome home Henry Rye as organist for our 8:00PM and 10:00PM services this year. Henry is midway through his sophomore year at St. Olaf College majoring in organ and mathematics. We also celebrate the return of Myroslav Mykhailenko, pianist and his brother Nazarii, baritone, to offer special music. Myroslav is majoring in piano performance at Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, and Nazarii is completing a degree in voice and music education at Roosevelt University. He also serves as student conducting intern with NaperVoice. On January 7, we look forward to hosting Myroslav and his colleague, violinist Julia Perekhozhuk for a Concert at 3:00PM. Everyone is welcome!
(Notes from Dr. Peter Jarjisian, director)
“While all things were in quiet silence, and the night was in the midst of her swift course, the almighty word of the Lord came down from his glorious throne.” Oh, that takes my breath away!
Pianist - Myroslav Mykhailenko, Organist - Henry Rye, vocal soloists – Margaret Schnute and Jill Rye, and the Chancel Choir will offer music to complement each portion of the Christmas story. Words and melodies unite to convey the matchless message of the Saviour’s birth. Here's just some of the music you’ll hear – along with my favorite lyrics from each.
(from Ding Dong! Merrily on High – arr. Sir David Willcocks)
“Ding Dong! Verily the sky is riv’n with angel singing!” (What a verb! The sky is split open!)
(from Thou Shalt Know Him by Mark Sirett)
“Thou shalt know Him when he comes not by his crown, or by his gown, but by the holy harmony which his coming makes in thee.”
(from Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine – arr. Norman Luboff)
“Lo, he comes, and loves, and saves, and frees us.” (You’ll get to sing that line with us!)
(from Messiah – by G. F. Handel)
“And suddenly there was with the angel, a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest! “ (Handel’s writing is exhilarating!)
(from See, Amid the Winter’s Snow – by John Goss/arr. Sir David Willcocks
“Teach, O teach us holy child, by thy face so meek and mild, teach us to resemble thee in thy sweet humility. Hail thou ever blessed morn. Hail redemption’s happy dawn …. “ (The double choir writing in this carol is glorious!)